Register For Fall 2011 HerePre-register and guarantee your seat in The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE, the elite plus modeling training and development program dedicated to you!

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall is in full swing and Spring is already in!

Today was the 1st day of Fall 2010 classes and we had an incredible time!  Many ladies have called, emailed, and "inboxed" on Facebook about the Spring semester.  As the Fall session concludes over the next few weeks, you can pre-register for Spring with just a $100 deposit!  Grab your seat now before the rest of Charlotte and the surrounding cities catch wind of this opportunity.  Your plus modeling career awaits...
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Friday, October 8, 2010

Watch This! The Open House Recap

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Monday, October 4, 2010

The "Thank You's"

The Open House was an absolute success.  Sponsors, vendors, and attendees alike were excited to be a part of The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE Open House.  However, the true judge of our success was none other than Executive Director, Gwen Devoe, who flew in from New York to meet the Charlotte interests.  Ms. Devoe was incredibly satisfied with the turnout, the energy, the instructors, and the venue.  (Thank God! Lol.)  (Quick plug for Spirit Square, a division of the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center:  It is a wonderful and reasonable place to have an event with galleries, auditoriums, classrooms, and dance studios to accommodate even the most diverse event.  Visit them at  Now let's get started with these "thank you's".  So many people were responsible for the success of the Open House and will continue to use their talents to assure we have a wonderful Fall program.

Thank you:
  • Gwen Devoe for giving me the honor of Affiliate Director of Charlotte.  We promise to continue to do it big!
  • Diamond Sponsors: Sylvia Fierro of Mary Kay and Latta Jones of Latta Health for your contribution and support of this event.  It wouldn't have been the success that it was without your inclusion.  
  • Tiffany Fant, you beat the streets with me to promote the event, made phone calls, paired us with WGIV, provided sound, remembered everything I had forgotten, helped set-up and break-down, and a bunch more innumerable tasks.  Spring is about to be a blast!!!
  • Joshua Craig, owner of, for constructing The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE website.  
  • Wendy Brown, owner of Plush Boutique in Atlanta, GA.  In less than 12 hours, I had 2 dresses to choose from plus accessories Fedex'ed to my door.  Everyone loved the dress by Dukes and Dutchess.  The jewelry was amazing.  Let me know how I can own it all! :)
  • Kenny Boyd of Tailormade Graphics and Give N Go, Inc.  Thank you for donating your time and talent to design the fliers and business cards and for allowing us to support your non-profit.
  • Joy Randall, owner of Flawless Makeup Art, for the divine glow you gave me, my mom, and Jay Jarvis.  My confidence was right where it needed to be because I felt good and looked great. Go Joy! 
  • Wanda of Noda Nail Salon for hooking up my manicure and pedicure.  Ladies, visit the salon and ask for the "rockstar" polish. Once you try it, you will fall in love. 
  • Tanisha Fant for transporting precious cargo, Ms. Gwen Devoe, from the airport to the hotel to the venue.  You have no idea how big of a help that was.
  • Ashley Andrews, Spirit Square Operations Coordinator, for responding expeditiously to emails, confirming that we had all the supplies we needed, and making yourself available on several occasions.
  • Jay Jarvis for playing the role of my personal assistant, confiscating and answering my phone, and emceeing the event.  Like slouch socks and high tops. You rock!
  • Raymona Tanner aka Mommy for helping everyone feel comfortable, handling registration for your baby girl, and simply being a presence.  
  • Johnatha Camp of Eventions by J. Camp, for your ingenuity and willingness to work with what we had.
  • Yeng Moua for donating your time to capture the campaign, "I Wish I Was a Plus Size Model", on camera.
  • Jameka Whitten of Charlotte Style Magazine for bringing your staff to cover the event.
  • CINTHE Magazine and Andre Michael for being a part.  We look forward to the November issue.
  • Loretta Spearman and the team at UR Tight for launching your women's line at the Open House and sponsoring one of your custom undergarments.  
  • Will McGlenn, owner of 7 Figgas Clothing Company for designing and sponsoring the "I Love My Figure" t-shirts and donating to Give N Go.
  • Gerwood Shephard of Bestram Productions for recording all of the Academy's classes, events, and developing promotional videos.
  • And all of the instructors for delivering your spiels concisely and confidently.  The fullness of the program is up to us and it is clear that you all are the right choices to get the job done. 
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  
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