Register For Fall 2011 HerePre-register and guarantee your seat in The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE, the elite plus modeling training and development program dedicated to you!

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Do you like us?

Well, it's hard not to with all the beautiful people involved in The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE!  But we really want to know if you do.

Would you go to and let us know how you feel?  We can take the hard and ugly truth. ;-) We sort of know who isn't feeling us.  Hey, if we were them, we'd want to be plus size models, too. Lol!

Follow us at   Now, where can we find you? The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE wants to support you, your business, and talents.  Let's work together and have the plus size market take over the Queen City!

((Sounds like it's going to be fun...You won't believe what we have planned for 2011!))

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Register for The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE for only $75 down!

It's Holiday time and we wanted to give the plus size women in North Carolina a V.I.P. seat in The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE Spring 2011 class.  While you're deciding whether you should go ahead and do it (since you've been thinking about it for a while now), we're going to go over a few myths and facts about PA Charlotte.

Myth #1: The "I'm Nots" - I'm not tall enough.  I'm not a size 12.  I'm not young like I used to be. I'm not going to be able to walk in those high heels.

  • The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE will teach you how to walk in those heels.  However, students with foot and ankle issues who were unable to strut in heels were accommodated and graduated with great success.   
  • Your age is of no consequence. The Class of 2010 ranged between ages 24 and 62. Didn't know that, huh?  Now how old are you? See, you can do it. :)
  • Size 12 is not the only acceptable plus size.  We invite you to enroll if you're a size 12 or a size 28! 
  • There is no height requirement to ride this ride.  We have had students from 5 feet and zero inches to 6'1".
Myth #2: It's too expensive.

Fact: To make it more convenient and affordable, we have created a 3-month installment plan that you can take advantage of plus save $175.  
  • $100  $75 before January 1, 2011. 
  • $200 by January 18, 2011.  
  • The balance of $150 by March 18th.
Your Tuition: $425 
Regular tuition: $600  And don't forget the old adage, "you get what you pay for", right? ;)
Offer ended 12.31.2010

Myth: So once I go through the program, then what?! I'll have no idea what to do after that.

Fact: The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE is well connected.  
  • There are 10 active Plus Academies around the United States and the Bahamas which are all owned by Gwen Devoe:
  • Founder and executive producer of Full Figured Fashion Week New York 
  • Full Figured Fashion Week(end) L.A
  • The Ms. Full Figured & Fabulous pageant
  • Project Curves
  • C.E.O. of Devoe Signature Events.  
The Academy prepares you for the industry through it's classes and expert instructors to increase your personal network.  

Okay. So we've dispelled some of the most common myths and assumptions.  Now, what's stopping you?  You're shopping for all the important people in your life, trying to find something special and memorable to give them for the holiday.  But what about you?  Why not give yourself a gift that you will never forget? A gift that will not compromise how much you can spend on your loved ones but will give you more than you could ever expect.  Still not convinced that this is for you? Don't have to take our word for it.  Watch the short video below...

Happy Holidays from The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE! 
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