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Friday, January 14, 2011

Instructor Spotlight: Joy Tribble

A plus woman with a focus on the fashion industry must stay toned, flexible, and strong to walk in 4" stilettos.  Wouldn't you agree?  Well, plus model, TV/radio personality, and entrepreneur, Ms. Joy Tribble, will be your "Walking Curves" instructor for the Spring 2011 semester.  Now don't misunderstand, there won't be much walking.  There will be, however, a great deal of movement, excitement, and well...aerobics.  Get ready and grab one of those 1 Liter Poland Spring bottles, your mat, towel, hand weights, sneakers, your cute workout clothes, and a backpack full of energy.  It's gonna be a good time!

Check out a few of the other Spring 2011 instructors right here!


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