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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What would you do to stop Domestic Violence?

If it were your Mom, your sister, your best friend, or you that endured the verbal lashings, physical beatings, bruises, broken bones, and shredded self-esteem, what would you do to keep it from happening to another woman?

Over 4 million women experience such tragedy in the U.S. A significant amount of those women choose not to be defined by that experience and they are allowing God to rebuild their lives. 

These women we celebrate. 

"The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" Scholarship Fund has been created to send a woman who has chosen to be a victor and not a victim of domestic violence to The Plus Academy CHARLOTTE.

Help us celebrate her.

Eat to benefit "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" Scholarship Fund on 
Monday, March 7th 

Can't make it? Donations of any amount are much appreciated and will be a blessing to her.

Would you like to apply for the Scholarship? Email today.


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