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Friday, September 10, 2010

Paparazzi on the Premises

Charlotte-based production company, Bestram Productions, has just offered to cover The Plus Academy Open House, entire program, and finale event.  This is an outstanding addition to an already fabulous event!

Bestram Productions, a company evolving since 2005.  Bestram specializes in film and video with a heavy concentration on creativity and imagination.  

Gerwood and Roderick Shephard, the company founders, bring with them a wealth of talent and experience.  Gerwood specialties, mainly technical, include working as director of photography, lighting, sound and editing.  Roderick’s focus lies in writing, directing and acting.  The two brothers also combine forces to produce.

When Bestram Productions takes on a project, two core beliefs are always taken into account.  The first, “KEEP IT SIMPLE & BIG THINGS WILL HAPPEN”.  Secondly, “IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES, NOT THE IMPOSSIBILITIES”.


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