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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cory Bradley of New Birth - Charlotte

Cory Bradley has served as the Senior Worship Leader and Director of the Worship Arts
Ministry of New Birth-Charlotte for the past 6 years where Bishop Terrell L. Murphy serves as
Senior Pastor.  Having been apart of shaping the worship ministry from the inception of the
ministry, he has acquired a focus in developing pioneering models of worship in the culture. He is
a seeker of the transformative power of worship in the life of the believer; investigating how the
local church translates the corporate worship experience into every sphere of life and ultimately opening access to the life of God for all of humanity.
  Cory also has been gifted with a divine energy to facilitate cross-cultural worship experiences.

Sensing a devoted call and commitment to the restoration of the Tabernacle of David, Cory
activates his capacities through teaching, coaching, and leading congregations in worship; he
takes joy in connecting with worship leaders in the local church helping them to discover and
thrive in the unique sound of their specific house of worship. He has traveled globally serving
the Presiding Bishop of the Global Apostolic Council, Bishop Eddie L. Long and Second
Presiding Bishop Terrell L. Murphy. He loves people and values nothing greater than hearing
and communicating the voice and heart of God to this generation.


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