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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jay Jarvis of BLUReverywhere

Ever wondered how one comes up with specific color combinations? Jay Jarvis can explain it! This “visionary of color palettes”, began her attraction to colors and patterns as a young teen. She started sharing her ideas with friends and that led to her budding interest in the styling world.   After her introduction to modeling with Ms. Gwen Devoe at the age of 20, her love affair with fashion took off.  
Jay   has styled shoots featuring both straight size and full-figured women. While styling, she and her business partner Tiffany “Tip” Jones decided to push the “fashion envelope” to its edge!  BLUR Custom Dezigns (now "BLUReverywhere"), was birthed.   BLUR was a customized clothing line designed specifically for the full-figured woman.  Jay had the honor of being the Head Designer of the company.  BLUR has been featured in Plus Model Magazine, in over a dozen fashion shows, Baltimore's Fox 45, Radio One Baltimore 92Q Jams, Richmond 92.1 and 98.3. 
Jay now studies at the world renowned Fashion Institute of Technology, where she will receive a degree in Accessory Design this coming May. Through the sharing of her knowledge of colors, graphics and patterns, she continues to change the minds of unsuspecting “fashionistas” one pattern and color at a time!  Stay tuned for more stylish, color popping items from Jay Jarvis and her business partner Tip Jones in 2011! One word…BLUR!


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